DeVeera, Inc.

What Happens If I Keep Running Windows 7 After January 14th 2020?

The businessman sitting at the table while using Windows 7.

Running Windows 7 After January 14th 2020

Microsoft will be ending support for Windows 7, a beloved operating system, on January 14, 2020. This means there will no longer be security patches or bug fixes released to keep the operating system safe against cybercrime. A recent survey found that 17% of technology departments didn’t even know the deadline was coming up. In fact, 36% of all PCs in active use are still running the operating system, falling shortly behind the 43.6% of PCs running Windows 10. If hundreds of millions of PCs are still running it, why should you switch?

Does the End-of-Support for Window 7 REALLY Mean Anything?

The simple answer? Absolutely. Microsoft will no longer release security patches, updates, and bug fixes to resolve vulnerabilities as they emerge. Consider this: 67.7 million new strains of malware targeting Window were found in 2018 alone. That number is bound to increase as cybercriminals continue to become more sophisticated and coordinated with their attacks. It’s quite likely malware creators already have something in the works – ready to unleash as soon as the end-of-support date is here.

For Many Businesses, An Unsupported Operating System Isn’t a Viable Option Due to Compliance Standards.

Although the risks are HUGE no matter what industry you’re operating in because no business can afford to lose their valuable information to cybercriminals, those operating in highly regulated industries are at a major disadvantage. An unsupported operating system isn’t a viable option in many compliance standards, including but not limited to HIPAA, PCI DSS, and more. So aside from no longer being compliant with industry-specific regulations, what are the risks of running Windows 7 past the end-of-support date?

Even if you’re not operating in a highly regulated industry, losing confidential customer information to a data breach is detrimental to any organization’s reputation. Although preparing and budgeting for an upgrade can be frustrating, it’s a lot less costly and stressful than the alternative.

Let’s Start Your Migration to Windows 10 Now. Call (831) 200-1434 to Get Started.