DeVeera, Inc.

What Does a Successful Digital Eco-System Look Like?

What Can a Digital Eco-System do for the Average Farmer?

Discover how AgriTech integration can boost your farm’s profits by eliminating pests, optimizing water and fertilizer usage, analyzing crop growth, and more.  

A growing number of farmers are using new tools and technologies to improve crop output and boost profits; however, a successful digital eco-system involves far more than a few trendy gadgets. It calls for the integration of all existing technologies to help farmers stay abreast of what is happening on their farm at any time of the day or night. What is more, a digital eco-system also provides valuable input that farmers can use when deciding what, when, where, and how to plant next year’s crops.

AgriTech Integration

AgriTech integration is key to creating a successful digital eco-system. Following are some key ways that companies and farmers are using integrated technologies to improve farming capabilities:

Some of these tools are custom-made for niche farming industries while others can be used by farmers the world over. Even so, the one thing they have in common is that they combine various technologies and processes to offer farmers efficient assistance and advice. These tool combinations not only boost profits in the here and now but also enable farms to remain competitive and profitable in the future.

Are There Any Downsides?

There are challenges involved in transitioning to a digital eco-system, which is why precision technology for the agricultural industry has a measly 20% to 30% adoption rate. Legal concerns are an important issue. Many are rightly worried about data security, ownership, and usage. Others are concerned that a remote device such as a drone may malfunction and cause damage, resulting in a farmer being held liable for compensation.

Thankfully, expert help and assistance can enable farmers to push past the challenges and use a digital eco-system to its fullest potential. What is why many farmers are turning to DeVeera for IT managed services. The company specializes in working with the agricultural industry and offers customized tools to help farmers adopt cutting edge technologies in a safe, hassle-free manner. Get in touch with us to learn more or to make an appointment with one of our IT experts.