DeVeera, Inc.

Will Coronavirus Change The Business World Forever?

Work From Home Coronavirus

Will Coronavirus Change The Business World Forever?

As more and more businesses test out their remote work capabilities during the coronavirus pandemic, the more significant potential there is for it to change the nature of the working world forever. Are you experiencing the benefits of remote work first hand?

Ever since the Internet was adopted worldwide, remote work has been a possibility. A reliable phone line, a well-maintained business email account, and remote access to business data mean that an employee could be anywhere with an Internet connection and still get their work done.

But, for most of the professional world, remote work hasn’t been seriously considered until now. The coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses to send their employees home and figure out how to keep them productive while they’re there.

If remote working has been a possibility for so long, why have businesses waited until the current coronavirus pandemic to put it to the test?

Key Obstacles To Overcome With Remote Work

There are several reasons why businesses haven’t bothered to try a remote work model until it became necessary:

That said, remote work has its benefits too…

Why Would Businesses & Employees Prefer A Remote Work Model?

Outside of the apparent health benefits during a pandemic, more than anything else, remote work is about convenience:

What Other Benefits Does A Remote Work Model Offer?

Like all remote models supported by the cloud, hosting your data remotely and having your staff access it remotely delivers several key advantages when compared to the conventional in-office working model.

Advantages include:

  1. Minimal Maintenance: By hosting a user’s software, applications, and data externally in another organization’s server room or data center, the onus of maintenance is shifted to that organization. Instead of having to maintain server space, execute updates and patches, address and eliminate issues, replace failed hardware, and other tasks associated with maintenance, someone else takes care of it all.  It’s a comprehensive model with few downsides for the user. You get all of the benefits with none of the downsides, meaning no money has to be spent on maintenance or the personnel to handle it.
  2. Convenient Access: A hallmark of cloud solutions, one of the critical advantages of utilizing remotely hosted solutions is that it allows for easy, anywhere access to software, applications, and data. Regardless of where the user is (at the office, at home, in transit, on vacation, etc.), or what device they use (desktop PC at work, personal laptop at home, tablet or smartphone on the go), so long as they have an Internet connection and their credentials, they can access work whenever they need to.
  3. Cost Effect: Accessing software via a remote hosting service is undeniably more affordable because it allows the user to avoid costly software licenses that are based on a concurrent user model. It’s worth noting that while some remotely hosted applications will still charge per user, the user’s business will not have to try to estimate how many licenses will be needed for the entire staff, which eliminates guesswork and keeps expenses low.  Furthermore, there’s no need to pay for all of the infrastructure required to host software locally – servers, cabling, network materials, etc. – or the staff to handle its maintenance.

Only time will tell how many businesses continue a remote work model in some form once the pandemic concludes. If nothing else, this has been a valuable opportunity to test the potential of the remote work for businesses that never would have otherwise.

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